Sunday, September 13, 2009

Driving Lessons

If anything valuable came from the Mars Venus discovery about men and women, it’s the validation that we women are living with aliens, and have to master the art of coping with male idiosyncrasies like: selective hearing; superior driving skills; an inability to program a scheduler with birthdays and anniversaries while filling it full of football games, hockey playoffs, or beer nights with the boys; the “I’ll die before asking directions” mantra; or the “don’t worry, I’ll get it done today” syndrome that affects all households chores and lasts for years per symptom. The good news is that we are not alone. Please use this blog to "express yourself" and share comic relief. Enjoy the following male moment on "driving lessons", something I am sure you can all relate to!

Driving Moments

THIS is how you drive a car, dear

With the cold weather, our very steep driveway is full of ice and hard to get out of. One particularly cold morning, my husband John tried for about 45 minutes to get our car out of the driveway and to no avail. My advice was to just gun it as fast as he could up the hill, as it was my car and knew it much better than he did. "You don't do it that way" was his response as he kept doing it his way over and over and over again, just to slide down the driveway. After about 40 slow repetitive attempts, and almost one hour later, he put salt on the driveway; didn't work. He dug under about a foot of snow to get sand out of frozen sandbox; didn't work. Again, I suggested the fast approach as this was my car and I had some experience driving it. He decided to prove his point once and for all that fast won't work! "Okay. I will do it just to show you that it won't work." He gunned it and was out the drive way first attempt! His comment. "Close the garage door."

Looking forward to your "driving stories."

Monday, August 24, 2009

Outside Dining at Any Cost

Ladies, As middle aged women, struggling to “do it all”, our biggest challenge is quite often coming to understand and live with our beloved male counterparts. This blog was created to help women of all ages and in all phases of life find and share comic relief as we cope with the utter amusement and amazement we experience daily living with males.

Enjoy the following endearing (or enduring) male moment and please share your own. Invite friends to join us to share in good humor the bewilderment of living with our spouses, boyfriends, sons, male counterparts at work, and other aliens. All comments will be reviewed and shared as appropriate. If you'd like to send me a private message, please email me at

Thanks for joining this blog!

Enduring Male Moment - August 24, 2009: Outside Dining at Any Cost

Each summer, my husband spends countless hours creating a floral masterpiece in our backyard which is really a forest in the wilds of Colorado. And each night we sit on the deck in our garden admiring his work and enjoying nature all around us. As summer turns to Fall and the darkness hits early, we find out selves sitting among candles, wearing sweaters, so that we can get every possible night in Dad's dining room. And at all costs. Last night, we started dinner around 8:30 PM. All day long, we had smelled our not so sanitary neighbors, a family of four black bears who hang in our yard just about every night. As soon as we started eating in the dark, Jack, our 40-pound dog, started barking ferociously. As the sounds of a large animal thrushing in the grass and unfamiliar snorts grew louder, John refused to go inside for dinner as we were there first, even as we witnessed our dog chase a 300-pound bear out of our yard into the street, right past our dinner table. So me and my young girls guarded our pork loin and baked potatoes literally with our lives, as John calmly sat in his seat, hearing and seeing absolutely nothing.

To get even, the bear returned at 1 AM and destroyed half of John's cherished plum tree to eat dessert!